As of the 1st of January 2023, the minimum wage and all benefits in the Caribbean Netherlands will increase. The Minister for Poverty Policy, Participation and Pensions announced the concrete amounts on 28 November 2022.
Minimum wage
The minimum wage will be increased by 18.2 per cent on Bonaire, 14.3 per cent on St. Eustatius and 15.0 per cent on Saba. For a working person aged 21 or older, at a 40-hour workweek, this amounts to a minimum income of $1,236 per month on Bonaire, $1,446 on St Eustatius and $1,434 on Saba. This means workers earning the minimum wage will gain about $180 to $190 per month. Click here for the full minimum wage table.
Child benefit
All parents and caregivers will receive around $30 per child per month more child benefit in 2023. This will make the child benefit per child on Bonaire $131, on St Eustatius $128 and on Saba $129 per month.
Old age pension (AOV)
Senior citizens will receive a higher old age pension (AOV) in 2023. This will increase by about 39 per cent on Bonaire, 23 per cent on St. Eustatius and 31 per cent on Saba. This means that a pensioner with full AOV accrual on Bonaire will receive $1,047 per month. On St. Eustatius and Saba, it is $1,113 and $1,175, respectively. This includes the so-called ‘duration allowance’ received by AOV recipients in the Windward Islands. This increase accelerates the AOV to the level of the benchmark social minimum. AOV beneficiaries on Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba will gain $295, $151 and $204 per month respectively in 2023. For couples, this is double the amount.
Social relief
The concrete increase in the social relief level depends on the household situation. As of the 1st of January 2023, the social relief for single persons living independently will be $413 per two weeks on Bonaire, $487 on Sint Eustatius and $483 on Saba. That is an increase of about 35 per cent, which will make singles gain about $110 to $120 per two weeks. For couples living independently, the social relief is $571 per two weeks on Bonaire, $668 on St. Eustatius and $662 on Saba. That is an increase of 36 per cent on average, giving couples around $160 to $170 more per two weeks in 2023. The basic social relief amount will be increased only by inflation and will come out at $216 on Bonaire, $254 on St. Eustatius and $252 on Saba.
Click here for an overview of the social benefit amounts in 2023 or visit www.rijksdienstcn.com for more information.